Most recent posting below. See other blog postings in the column to the right.
I have been a longtime Oscar prognosticator and have been wrong ALMOST about as much as I've been right but nonetheless I carry on. This year, I've watched just about all the nominees so will be doing more educated guesses than the past (some of my bizarre wins in the past have been split second guesses to the constant surprise of my old neighbors).
That being said, here are my "shoulda/willa win" picks (my apologies to Oscar Winner Brando):
Shoulda -
Boyhood - Best Picture
Michael Keaton - Best Actor
Reese Witherspoon - Best Actress
Morton Tyldum (TIG) - Best Director
Patricia Arquette - Best Supporting Actress
Ed Norton - Best Supporting Actor
Grand Budapest Hotel - Best Cinematography, Production Design, Music
The Imitiation Game - Best Screenplay, Editing
Glory (Selma) - Best Original Song
Willa -
Birdman - Best Picture (or maybe Selma although it was ignored otherwise, or maybe TIG - this one is the real tossup - who knows maybe my pick?) - I am fudging here!
Eddie Redmayne - Best Actor
Julianne Moore - Best Actress
Richard Linklater - Best Director
Patricia Arquette - Best Supporting Actress
Ed Norton - Best Supporting Actor
Grand Budapest Hotel - Best Cinematography, Production Design, Music
The Imitiation Game - Best Screenplay, Editing
Glory (Selma) - Best Original Song
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