Friday February 14, 2025
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
The Hopewell Branch of the Mercer County Library System is delighted to host a celebration honoring American abolitionist Frederick Douglass on Friday, February 14, the date he had chosen for his own birthday.
Events will begin in the Community Room at noon, when an inspirational program from will live-stream speakers and music. Participants are invited to bring their laptops between noon and 3 pm to join the transcribe-a-thon digitizing documents for the African American Perspectives Collection at the Library of Congress.
The day's celebration continues with an opportunity for youth and teens to take part in the festivities. Hope Rises Up will host and provide prizes for a Poetry Slam from 3 to 4 pm. Youth and teens are welcome to express themselves on topics related to civil rights and social justice. In addition, all teens are welcome to submit relevant artwork and essays for display. Artwork and/or essays are due to the Hopewell Branch by February 10. Submissions can be submitted in person to the Hopewell Branch at 245 Pennington Titusville Rd, Pennington, NJ 08534 or emailed to Light refreshments including a Happy Birthday cake will be served. Registration is encouraged at or by calling (609) 737-2610.
Friday February 14, 2025
3:00 PM
245 Pennington-Titusville Road Pennington, NJ 08534 609-737-2610
Celebrate the birthday of Frederick Douglass, in partnership with Hope Rises Up! Teens are invited to participate in a variety of ways: 1) Perform pieces they wrote or recite their favorite poems; or 2) Submit either artwork or a written?essay for display with a chance to win a prize. (Artwork and essays are due by Monday, February 10 to the Hopewell Branch Library.) All are welcome to join us for the exhibit as others share their thoughts and experiences. Light refreshments served. Please call 609.737.2610 or email to register.