Let's Just Sing! Choral Reading of Orff Carmina Burana, Princeton Society of Musical Amateurs
Sunday, February 2nd, 4:00 pm reading Location: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton, Rt 206 at Cherry Hill Road, Princeton NJ Members of the community gather together for the common and joyful enterprise of making music for their own pleasure, singing through the great works in choral literature with chorus, orchestra, and soloists as the works require. There are no separate rehearsals and no auditions. Walk-in singers and listen-only guests are welcome at all sessions. Conductors may do some light preparation with the chorus before the sing-through. Orchestra members participate by invitation, based on the instrumental needs of the work. Light refreshments are available during the break and participants are encouraged to mingle and socialize. For further information email musical.amateurs@gmail.com