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Arts & Entertainment
Friday, 11/17, 8:00 PM: Irving Berlin’s White Christmas, Kelsey Theatre, 1200 Old Trenton Road, West Windsor. The holiday season becomes even more magical when the snow starts falling. M&M Stage Productions brings “Irving Berlin’s White Christmas” to Mercer County Community College’s (MCCC’s) Kelsey Theatre for three weekends: Fridays, Nov. 17 and Dec. 1 at 8 p.m.; Saturdays, Nov. 18, Nov. 25 and Dec. 2 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; and Sundays, Nov. 19, Nov. 26, and Dec. 3 at 2 p.m. (There is no performance on Nov. 24). Tickets are $20 for adults, $18 for seniors, and $16 for students and teens. Tickets may be purchased by calling the Kelsey Box Office at 609-570-3333 or online at www.kelseytheatre.net.
Saturday, 11/18, 5:00 PM: Music For Moore #3 ~ Princeton Elks Lodge. Helen O’Shea (Einstein Alley Musicians Collaborative – EAMC) and Richard Bozic (Bozic Voice Studio – BVS) present “Music for Moore #3” - their third annual fundraiser in collaboration with Princeton Elks Lodge where they harness the power of local music to support local children with special needs attendance with one on one care at the Elks Camp Moore next summer! For tickets $15 and more details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1690253850984707??ti=ia
Saturday, 11/18, 7:00 PM: Children Making a Difference Benefit Concert, Nassau Presbyterian Church, 61 Nassau St., Princeton. The 10th Annual Children Making a Difference Benefit Concert, featuring the Grace Notes and Semi-Tones of Princeton Girlchoir with special guests Sister Cities Girlchoir. All proceeds benefit Comfort Cases. Admission by donation. Suggested donation of $10 per person.
Saturday, 11/18, 7:00 PM: Cafe Improv, Arts Council of Princeton, Paul Robeson Center for the Arts' Solley Theater, 102 Witherspoon St, Princeton. Attendees can expect an evening of exciting local music, poetry and comedy. For a list of performers, to register to play and for more information visit cafeimprov.com. For the past 24 years, Café Improv has connected beginning and professional performers. Cafe Improv is easily accessible to the public through affordable admission rates and televised broadcasts on Princeton Community Television. $2/$1 ACP members, seniors, students. For information about the Arts Council of Princeton, visit artscouncilofprinceton.org or call 609.924.8777.
Sunday, 11/19, 2:30 PM: Piano Recital & Benefit, The New School for Music Study, Nassau Presbyterian Church, 61 Nassau Street, Princeton. Faculty recital featuring Baroque dance suites by Bach, music from Puerto Rico and Greece. Benefits Puerto Rico hurricane relief., www.nsmspiano.org
Kids & Family
Friday, 11/7, 3:00 PM -5:00 PM: Santa Preview, Kale’s Nursery & Landscape Service, 133 Carter Road, Princeton. Santa would love for parents to experience the magic of Christmas a little early. Join Santa at Kale's Garden Center on Friday November 17 from 3-5pm. Grab an autographed photo for your little ones and do some early shopping without the crowds. Santa would love for you to bring your children starting November 24th for their special visit.
Saturday, 11/18, 10:00 AM: Family Events, New Jersey State Museum, 205 West State Street, Trenton, 609-292-3170. www.statemuseum.nj.gov
SMASH: Campfire Science. Hands-on, family-friendly activities to explore how archaeologists use fire pits to discover the past.
Discovery Den. Children 6 months to 5 years old explore the museum through a program that examines different themes through stories, crafts, and play. Free. Registration required.
Saturday, 11/18, 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM: Donation Drop Off, Lawrenceville National Guard Armory, 151 Eggert Crossing Road, Lawrence. Donation collection to benefit The Dempster Division of the USN Sea Cadet Corps. Wanted items include all articles of clothing, shoes, stuffed animals, linens, bicycles, small electrical appliances, wigs, hats, and costumes., www.usnsccdempster.com
Sunday, 11/19, 8:00 AM: Annual DASH @PASH 5K Race, Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart. On Sunday, November 19, Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart will host its annual DASH @PASH 5K Race. We are excited to host this annual event to raise awareness about boys' wellness. The race will take place in the fall for the first time with the help of Princeton Pacers on Princeton Academy's cross country course which traverses our beautiful 50-acre campus. The event will be run by the Princeton Academy Athletic Office with the help of eighth grade students and is open to the public. Early registration is $20, after October 23 is $25, and on the day of the race, registration is $30. Please visit princetonacademy.org/DASHatPASH5K to sign-up. The race will be timed and t-shirts are guaranteed to the first 75 participants. Same-day registration opens at 8:00 a.m. with a target race start of 8:30 a.m.
Out of the Box
Friday, 11/17, 10:30 AM: How to Sleep Like a Baby: What Can Go Wrong with Sleep & How to Fix It , Women in Retirement, Princeton Senior Resource Center. Speaker: Dr. Callum Dupre, board certified in sleep medicine and neurology and fellowship-trained sleep medicine specialist from the Capital Health Center for Sleep Medicine and Capital Institute for Neurosciences. Learn tips about how to get your sleep pattern back on track. All are welcome. Please register for all programs, classes and events at princetonsenior.org.
Saturday, 11/18, 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM: Sew and Craft for the Holidays, Princeton Public Library. Pennington Quilt Works excited to be partnering with Princeton Public Library for a Sew and Craft Event on Saturday November 18th. Sessions available for tweens, teens and adults. Visit Princeton Public Library for more information and to sign up.ticketFind TicketsTicket Informationwww.princetonlibrary.org
Saturday, 11/18, 11: 00 AM: National Family Volunteer Day: No-Sew Fleece Pillows, Pennington Library, 30 North Main Street, Pennington, 609-737-0404. Kick off the holiday season with giving and service. Make no-sew fleece pillows for the children at Womanspace. Email kha@penningtonlibrary.org to register., www.penningtonlibrary.org
Saturday, 11/18, 1:00 PM -3:00 PM: Historic Stony Brook Tour, Historical Society of Princeton, 354 Quaker Road, Princeton. Before there was a "Princeton," six Quaker families established a community on the fertile ground along Stony Brook. This two+ hour hike explores the lives of the early settlers and the community they established, while following a portion of the trail George Washington took from Trenton to the Princeton Battlefield. Stops include the Stony Brook Meeting House and Burial Ground, walking a portion of the "hidden" back road into Princeton, and a view of the Battlefield. princetonhistory.org.
Five Drinks to Sip on This Summer In Princeton
Enjoy The Tea Time Shrub, made with El Partido Blanco Tequila, hibiscus jalapeno & pineapple shrub, lime, and mint, available at The Peacock Inn.
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