Hi there. Welcome to Princeton Insider - the smart and official scoop on things to do, where to shop, and places to eat in Princeton. While celebrating the charm, authenticity, and opportunity that makes Princeton the darling of central New Jersey, we will keep your fingers on the pulse of what's happening. Stay tuned.
Most recent posting below. See other blog postings in the column to the right.
Arts & Entertainment
Thursday, 3/22 - Sunday, 3/25
Trenton Film Festival, Mill Hill Playhouse, 205 East Front Street, Trenton. The annual Trenton Film Festival runs March 22 through 25. This year's festival features 53 films from 16 countries, plus a free panel discussion with filmmakers about perspectives in storytelling. See feature-length and short documentaries and narrative films, as well as spoken word, animation and more by filmmakers from our local area -- New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York -- to as far away as Iran, Kosovo, and Korea. An opportunity to experience a wide diversity of film and engage with the local Trenton film scene! An all-access pass for $25 will gain entry to all 10 film programs over 4 days (individual tickets are $8). All screenings are at the Mill Hill Playhouse, 205 East Front Street, in Trenton, with free parking available at Artworks. Schedule information and tickets/passes are available at https://trentonfilmsociety.org.
Friday, 3/23 - Sunday, 3/25
7:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Beauty and the Beast, Villa Victoria Academy, 376 W Upper Ferry Rd, Ewing Township. Call 609-882-1700 for ticket information.. Tickets also available at the door. Click here for more information
Friday, 3/23 - Saturday, 3/24
7:30 p.m.
Pippin, Princeton High School, 151 Moore Street, Princeton 7:30 p.m., Annual spring musical. $10 to $15., phs.princetonk12.org
Sunday, 3/25
3:00 p.m.
In Words and Music: The Story of the Yiddish Theatre, Princeton Public Library, 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, 609-924-9529 3 p.m., Performer Diane Cypkin presents a concert/lecture that tells the story of Yiddish theater. The performance features memorable songs written and/or popularized by unforgettable greats including Avrom Goldfadn, Boris Thomashefsky, Aaron Lebedev, Joseph Rumshinsky, Alexander Olshanetsky, Jennie Goldstein and many others., www.princetonlibrary.org
Kids & Family
Saturday, 3/24
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Family Fun Day and Open House, Blawenburg Village School, 432 Route 518, Blawenburg. Come join the fun! Schedule of Events: Soccer Shots Demonstration (10:30), Easter Egg Hunt (11:30), Crafts, Games, Tours & MORE! Call 609-466-6600 or visit www.blawenburgvillageschool.com.
Saturday, 3/24
10:00 a.m.
Meet, Eat, and Greet For Kids Living With Type 1 Diabetes, Capital Health Medical Center, 1 Capital Way, Pennington. Bring a favorite finger food to share and let your child meet other kids living with Type 1 Diabetes. Email sugarfound@aol.com to register. Free., www.capitalhealth.org
Saturday, 2/24
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Photos with the Easter Bunny, Pennington Quality Market. Pennington Quality Market is sponsoring the annual Kids Club Event Photos with the Easter Bunny. The pictures are a free gift to the parents. The event will be held from 11 AM to 3 PM in the PQM Corner Café. So Hop on over to PQM. If your child is not a PQM Kid’s Club Member, they can sign up on the spot with an easy to complete application found at the Courtesy Booth. Signing up will entitle each kid to a free treat weekly, as well as participation in other Holiday Kid’s Club Events. Kid’s Club members also receive a Birthday Card that provides a discount on their Birthday Cake. For additional information visit our website at www.pqmonline.com.
Eat, Drink, Shop
Saturday, 3/24
5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Third Annual Empty Bowls Event, The Peddie Schol, Hightstown. The Hightstown Cultural Arts Commission and Rise will host the third annual Empty Bowls on March 24 from 5-8 pm at the Peddie School Cafeteria (Campus Center) in Hightstown. Empty Bowls is an international program that engages participating artists to create and donate handmade bowls in which a simple meal is served to a gathering of caring community members.
Local ceramic artist and Cultural Arts Commissioner Adam Welch created a limited edition of 300 hand thrown stoneware soup bowls for the event along with 100 additional bowls made by Hightstown High School and Peddie School art students. Ticket buyers will select a bowl to fill with hot soup from Hightstown eateries. Tickets for the event are $35 and may be purchased online through SignUpGenius.com and at the Greater Goods stores in Hightstown. Click here for more information
Saturday, 3/24
7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
31st Annual Rummage Sale, First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square, 3550 Nottingham Way, Hamilton Square, 609-587-3683 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., 14 separate rooms of items: women's, men's, and children's clothing, electronics, books, music, video, kitchenware, holiday, crafts, toys, fine china, jewelry, linens, small furniture, sporting goods, and general merchandise. Refreshments. $1 donation entrance fee.
Saturday, 3/24
12:00 p.m.
World Down Syndrome Day Celebration, Down Syndrome Association of Central New Jersey, The Stone Terrace, 2275 Kuser Road, Hamilton Noon. to 4 p.m., "Rock your socks off" dance party featuring a DJ, silent auction items, lunch, refreshments, and a cash bar. $21. Register., dsacnj.shutterfly.com
Saturday, 3/24
6:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
A Night of Hope, Union Fire and Rescue Ballroom, 1396 River Road, Titusville, 609-730-1144 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Friends Classic Rock Band performs, food from local restaurants, door prizes, and more. $35 adults; $10 seniors and students. Benefits Hope Loves Company, a nonprofit dedicated to helping children and young adults who had or have a love one battling ALS. Register on Eventbrite., www.hopelovescompany.org
Saturday, 3/24
6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
CASA’s Red Shoe Gala, Cobblestone Creek Country Club (formerly known as Greenacres Country Club), Lawrenceville. Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for Children of Mercer and Burlington Counties Program invites the community to its signature fundraiser of the year to help abused and neglected children reach safe, permanent homes. CASA’s Red Shoe Gala takes place on Saturday evening, March 24, 6-10pm at the newly renovated Cobblestone Creek Country Club (formerly known as Greenacres Country Club) in Lawrenceville, NJ.
While providing guests with a fabulous evening of great music by the Franklin and Alison Band, a silent auction and great dining, the Red Shoe Gala also serves as an important fundraising event to ensure that a foster child will be placed in a safe and nurturing home. Tickets are $150 per person with tables of 10 people available at a discounted rate of $1,300 when reserved by March 1. If you care about kids, plan to be at CASA’s Red Shoe Gala on March 24, 2018. Visit https://www.casamb.org to purchase tickets online, or call CASA at 609-430-0050 for more information.
Saturday, 3/24
6:30 p.m.
Animal Alliance's 4th Designer Bag, Day Spa & Cash Prize Bingo, St. Martin of Tours Parish Life Center, New Hope, PA. Animal Alliance is hosting its 4th Designer Bag, Day Spa & Cash Prize BINGO night fundraiser on Saturday, March 24th at St. Martin of Tours Parish Life Center in New Hope, PA. Local celebrity Dwayne Dunlevy is back with more comedy and cabaret and to call the numbers for 10 side-splitting games of BINGO and one lucky winner in each round will take home a posh designer bag, a luxurious day spa all valued between $150.00 - $325.00 and there will be two Cash Prize games at $100.00 each.
All proceeds from the event benefit the lifesaving programs at Animal Alliance. The cost is $30.00 per ticket, $35.00 at the door or purchase a table for 6 for $160.00 (a $20 discount). To order tickets, visit www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3339729.
Out of the Box
Sunday, 3/25
8:30 a.m.
8th Annual Princeton 5K, Princeton High School, Princeton. The eighth annual Princeton 5K road race is scheduled for Sunday, March 25, 2018 at 8:30am. Presented by Princeton Pacers Running, the race benefits the Princeton High School Cross Country and Track & Field Programs. The USATF-sanctioned course begins and ends at Walnut Lane and Guyot Avenue, between Princeton High School and John Witherspoon Middle School. For online registration and information visit www.princeton5k.com
Upcoming Events
Easter - Visit our Dining Guide for brunch menus in the Princeton area
April 14 - 2018 Princeton Symphony Gala - Puttin' on the Glitz
April 21 - "Seeds of Love" Anniversary Gala, The Children's Home Society of New Jersey
April 27 - Enable's Roaring Funnies Gala
Five Drinks to Sip on This Summer In Princeton
Enjoy The Tea Time Shrub, made with El Partido Blanco Tequila, hibiscus jalapeno & pineapple shrub, lime, and mint, available at The Peacock Inn.
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