Trenton, NJ – In light of both the recent independent third-party report and the ongoing documented struggles at Trenton Water Works, Mercer County is prepared to back a variety of possible solutions that will maintain public control of the utility while also ensuring all residents, no matter where they live in Mercer County, have access to clean drinking water.
"Mercer County is prepared to play any role asked of us by our Mayors, legislative delegation, and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to accomplish this mission," said County Executive Dan Benson. "As a former legislator, we know this will take everyone's cooperation to achieve this goal."
"No resident residing in Mercer County or in America for that matter, should have to question if their water is safe to drink," said Commissioner Nina Melker.
"Although, sadden to read this report, I am pleased that all partners involved realize that something must be done to modernize Trenton Water Works to meet the present day demands of the system." Said Commissioner Cathleen Lewis.