While the DOT's preferred design for the Penns Neck Area eliminates the bypass through the Sarnoff property, a portion of the proposed BRT would go through the property, crossing sensitive wetlands. Please read the full study and send your comments to NJ Transit and the DVRPC Central Jersey Tansporation Forum.
Central New Jersey Bus Rapid Transit Route 1
For questions or comments on the study, contact Jim Schwarzwalder at
 or at
NJ Transit, 1 Penn Plaza East, Newark, NJ 07105

Additonally, send copies of your comments to
The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Central Jersey Transportation Forum
e-mail: zneaderland@dvrpc.org


NJDOT Announces Availability of FEIS
Executive Summary of FEIS

NJDOT Announces Alternative D.2A
for Penns Neck Area EIS

DOT Statement on Alternative Selection

View a map of Alternative D.2A


Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association Award to S.T.O.P.

award label

DOT Penns Neck plan eliminates bypass
Bypass plan is product of good listening

Princeton Packet front-page article and editorial,
January 30, 2004 (pdf)

Debate over former bypass spans 2 decades
Princeton Packet chronolgy, January 30, 2004 (pdf)

Links to
Princeton Packet, January 30, 2004, article online
Princeton Packet, January 30, 2004, editorial online

We are gratified that the exhaustive and extensive Roundtable process has produced an alternative, a construction-based solution to the traffic congestion in Penns Neck, which also respects the natural and historical environment. We believe that we are all winners in this process. It is not inconceivable that future generations will praise our collective action for saving the pristine natural jewel along the Millstone River, the Washington Road Elms, the environment around the D&R Canal, and the historic and cultural sites. Our children and grandchildren will not lament the road that was not built there.

List of Organizations Supporting Alternative D-2


Thank you to all who have written letters, submitted testimony and been supportive of the mission of the Millston Bypass Alert Coalition throughout the past years! We couldn't have reached this conclusion without you!
(includes link to a sample letter and talking points)

Read what others have submitted

 News Articles, Newsletters and Government Links


 Position Papers

Penns Neck Area EIS

The Millstone Bypass Alert! is a coalition of 20 organizations originally united to oppose the New Jersey Department of Transportation's (NJDOT's) "preferred alignment" for the Millstone Bypass. In November 2000, former Governor Christine Todd Whitman ordered the DOT to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to more fully address the "environmental, social and economic needs" of the Penns Neck area. The EIS is being undertaken to determine, in particular, what kinds of solutions might be found to the transportation problems in the area as well as the environmental consequences of those solutions.

The Coalition as a whole and several of its members participated in the Penns Neck Area EIS Partners' Roundtable, a group of stakeholders, government bodies and citizen groups, which acted in an advisory capacity for the preparation of the Penns Neck Area Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The EIS is being funded by the NJDOT, which engaged the Transportation Policy Institute of Rutgers University and Helen Neuhaus and Associates, Public Involvement Coordinator, as facilitators for the Roundtable.

Availability of Documents

Sierra Club's Unofficial EIS page

Includes links to the DEIS Executive Summary as well as links to everything that has been web posted by the Project Team, sorted by topic and date, during the past two years, throughout the EIS process.

Summary of Road-Based Alternatives under Consideration, including the road-based actions graphics are available in pdf format on the
Partners Roundtable website.

Important Correspondence

State Historic Preservation Office Comments March 2003

Division of Fish and Wildlife letter April 2003

Technical Environmental Study Methodologies

Important Clarification: The Role of the E.I.S. Roundtable


Read a Selection of Comments made at the Public Hearing 6/30/03

Read a Selection of Comments
made at the Scoping Forum December 4, 2001

Elected Officials to which you may send comments

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) Transportation Improvement Program (T.I.P) for NJ 2002-2004


The Millstone Bypass Alert! Coalition

Canal Society of New Jersey

Delaware and Raritan Canal Coalition

Delaware & Raritan Canal Watch

D&R Greenway Land Trust

Friends of Princeton Open Space

Garden Club of Princeton

National Trust for Historic Preservation

NJ Conservation Foundation

NJ Public Interest Research Group (NJPIRG)

Preservation New Jersey

Princeton Alumni for Bypass Alternatives

Princeton Environmental Action

Princeton Joint Environmental Commission

Princeton Regional Health Commission

Sensible Transportation Options Partnership (STOP)

Sierra Club

Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association

Washington Road Elms Preservation Trust (WREPT)

West Windsor Citizens for Transportation Alternatives

Whole Earth Center

 News Articles
and Newsletters


 Position Papers

  Penns Neck Area EIS

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© Millstone Bypass Alert Coaltion
PO Box 327
Princeton, NJ 08542

Updated May 4, 2007