The Evergreen Forum uses a first-come, first-served registration system which opens on Tuesday, August 27 at 9:30 a.m. Course format is subject to change.
Evergreen Forum Fees: $85 for three- to five-week courses
and $110 for six- to eight-week courses.
Cost should never be a barrier to learning!
Senior Scholarships are available to those for whom the fee is a hardship.
Fall 2024 Course List
Most classes begin the week of September 30, 2024.
2024 Elections: Democracy at Stake? (Hybrid)
Elaine Jacoby
Dive into the tumultuous 2024 elections, dissecting democracy’s fate through Congressional races and ideological lenses.
Wednesdays from 1:30–3:30 p.m. for eight weeks beginning October 2 through November 20.
All the Fun Math Your Junior-High Teachers Left Out (In-Person)
Mark Schlawin
Embark on a math odyssey exploring probability, logic, and game theory with creativity and collaboration — no prerequisites, just curiosity and humor!
Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m.–noon for six weeks beginning October 9 through November 13.
America During the Obama Years (Hybrid)
Stan Katz
Delve into the transformative Obama era and post-2008 decade, exploring key events from elections to policy shifts through engaging video analysis and interactive discussions.
Fridays from 10:00 a.m.–noon for six weeks beginning October 11 through November 15.
American Impressionism: Bucks County Painters (Hybrid)
Christina Kales
Journey through nineteenth century American Impressionism, focusing on Bucks County School painters reshaping French influence with a distinct American touch.
Fridays from 1:30–3:30 p.m. for four weeks beginning October 11 through November 1.
American Short Fiction Masterpieces (In-Person)
Susan Matson
Fall in love with modern American short stories delving into diverse voices and themes with engaging discussions and readings.
Fridays from 1:30–3:30 p.m. for six weeks beginning October 11 through November 15.
Antebellum America: It Still Matters (Hybrid)
Walter Frank
Uncover the complexities of 1789–1861 Antebellum America, focusing on slavery, constitutional debates, wars, social movements, and technological shifts with a focus on pivotal presidential elections.
Thursdays from 10:00 a.m.–noon for six weeks beginning October 24 through December 6 (no class 11/29).
Demystifying New Jersey: Geography, Demographics, and Heritage (Hybrid)
Dave Saltzman
Discover the formation of New Jersey from its colonial roots through exploring the history of geography, labor, canals, railroads, and so much more.
Thursdays from 10:00 a.m.–noon for four weeks beginning October 10 through October 31.
Documentary Films: True or False? (In-Person)
Judy Zinis
Dive into thought-provoking documentaries to uncover truths in a world of misinformation. Explore films like Harvest of Shame, The Thin Blue Line.
Tuesdays from 10:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. for eight weeks beginning October 1 through November 19.
The Evolution of Western Art (Virtual)
Wendy Worth
Explore the roots of Western art from prehistoric cave paintings to classical Greece in this fascinating course.
Tuesdays from 1:30–3:30 p.m. for eight weeks beginning October 1 through November 19.
Explore, Engage, and Empower (Hybrid)
Princeton University Art Museum Docents
Discover “What was it like to be…” a conceptual artist, an Outsider artist, a Renaissance artist, a Woman artist, an Indigenous artist...all in this engaging art course.
Wednesdays from 1:30–3:00 p.m. for six weeks beginning October 16 through November 20.
Geology of the BC Coast Mountains (In-Person)
Lincoln Hollister
Explore the geology of the British Columbia Coast Mountains in the 1960s, highlighting remarkable adventures from more than fifty years of study in this remote region.
Thursdays from 1:30–3:30 p.m. for four weeks beginning October 10 through October 31.
Histories of Indigenous Peoples in America (Hybrid)
Robert Nolan
Invigorate one’s knowledge of America by engaging with key dimensions of the histories and cultures of Indigenous Peoples.
Thursdays from 1:30–3:30 p.m. for eight weeks beginning October 3 through November 21.
Introduction to Mindfulness Practices (In-Person)
Ruth Goldston
Cultivate mindfulness for better health, stress management, and improved relationships through the study of techniques dating back 2,500 years.
Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m.–noon for six weeks beginning October 2 through November 6.
Jane Austen, Novels and Films (In-Person)
Dianne Sadoff
Study Jane Austin’s take on “the disinherited daughter” theme through the reading and film adaptations of Northanger Abbey, Pride and Prejudice, and Mansfield Park.
Tuesdays from 1:30–3:30 p.m. for eight weeks beginning October 15 through December 3.
Magic & Witches in Fiction for Grownups (In-Person)
Judith Wooldridge
Join a captivating discussion course on novels by Mantel, Carter, Fitzgerald, Bulgakov, and more exploring magic, witches, and demons.
Tuesdays from 10:00 a.m.–noon for six weeks beginning October 1 through November 5.
Medicine: The History and the Mystery (In-Person)
Roy Carman & Seth Malin
Experience medicine’s complex history through engaging lectures and literary works by Williams, Gawande, Cather, and more.
Tuesdays from 10:00 a.m.–noon for eight weeks beginning October 1 through November 19.
Reading Lolita in 2024 (In-Person)
Victor Ripp
Delve into the complexities of Nabokov’s Lolita, from controversial reviews to its humorous tone, alongside his personal history reflected in his works.
Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m.–noon for eight weeks beginning October 2 through November 20.
Science in the News (Hybrid)
Harold Heft and Panelists
Join “Science in the News” for weekly insights into the latest research and issues in science and medicine, with engaging lectures and discussions.
Fridays from 10:00 a.m.–noon for eight weeks beginning September 27 through November 22 (no Class 10/4).
Scientific Genius (In-Person)
Bernard Abramson
Explore the lives and discoveries of seven scientific geniuses across history, focusing on physics, from Ancient Greece to the twentieth century, with no pre-requisites except curiosity.
Mondays from 10:00 a.m.–noon for six weeks beginning September 30 through November 4.
Sunken Voyage (In-Person)
Rich Hendrickson
Embark on a journey through five real-life maritime disasters spanning history through first-hand accounts, historical records, news coverage, and film.
Mondays from 1:30–3:30 p.m. for six weeks beginning September 30 through November 4.
The Supreme Court – Greatest Hits of 2024 (Hybrid)
Phil Carchman
Uncover key Supreme Court decisions from 2023–2024 on pressing issues impacting lives across the U.S. in this lecture course.
Mondays from 10:00 a.m.–noon for five weeks beginning September 30 through October 28.
To Be Continued...Four Contemporary Novels (In-Person)
Lois Harrod
Join this book club on steroids focused on exploring visibility through the lens of Everett, Ishigura, Patchett, and Strout.
Wednesdays from 1:30–3:30 p.m. for eight weeks beginning October 2 through November 20.
Two Men at Sea (Virtual)
Lynne Cullinane
Follow the story of two real men at sea as they explore solitude, nature, and ancient history in their books set in the Summer Isles and Skellig Michael.
Thursdays from 10:00 a.m.–noon for eight weeks beginning October 3 through November 21.
Understanding Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (In-Person)
Naomi Browar
Deep dive into the effective features of mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and depression.
Mondays from 1:30–3:30 p.m. for three weeks beginning September 30 through October 14.
Understanding Human Evolution (Hybrid)
Peter Smith
Explore the branches of the human family tree spanning millions of years to uncover why Earth now hosts over eight billion humans.
Tuesdays from 1:30–3:30 p.m. for eight weeks beginning October 1 through November 19.
Evergreen Forum corporate sponsors for fall 2024: Bryn Mawr Trust, Capital Health, Home Instead, Homewatch CareGivers, McCaffrey’s, Penn Medicine Princeton Health, Peapack Private, and Stark & Stark Attorneys at Law