Sunday February 9, 2025
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
The life and loves of noted area 19th century beauty Annette Savage will be the topic of a talk Saturday, February 9, 2 to 4 p.m., at Trenton City Museum at Ellarslie. Titled “Le Jeu de l’Amour,” the program, led by journalist and writer Dan Aubrey, will explore how Napoleon’s brother and former King of Spain, Joseph Bonaparte, and his American mistress, Annette Savage, found passion and pain in the Trenton and Bordentown region of New Jersey.
Admission for the talk is $5 (free for Trenton Museum Society members). Learn more and sign up in advance at or call 609-989-1191.
Sunday February 9, 2025
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
History lecture by Dan Aubrey on the life and loves of noted area 19th century beauty Annette Savage. Talk explores how Napoleon’s brother and former King of Spain, Joseph Bonaparte, and his American mistress, Annette Savage, found passion and pain in the Trenton and Bordentown region of New Jersey. Register. $5.
Click here for more information