Wednesday February 5, 2025
6:30 PM
Wondering how much "house" you can buy? What are the costs to own a home? What about any savings/investments? Free educational forum to learn how to determine the purchase price of your house; the associated costs -- including closing cost and down payment; and how to build a financial plan, from your house to alternative savings to conservative investment. Presented by Priti Dutta, Realtor at Realty Mark. Register.
333 North Post Road, West Windsor, 609-799-0462.
Wednesday February 5, 2025
7:00 PM
The American Revolution's game changing events during December 1776 -- such as Washington's Crossing and the Battle of Trenton -- and the famous leaders in charge of them are known in some degree to most people. Those events take on new meaning when looked at through the actions and memories of the individuals who experienced them. This talk is the fascinating story of a New Jersey-born Free Black Man serving in a Massachusetts regiment of the Continental Army. Although just one man, what he suffered through, and contributed to, puts a human face on life at that important time. Francis' experiences laid the groundwork for a lifelong interest in promoting the ideals of the Revolution, including that all men are created equal and should have equal rights. Register for link to program.
Wednesday February 5, 2025
7:00 PM
Princeton Public Library Community Room
Princeton Garden Theatre Executive Director Chris Collier and Princeton University Orchestra Conductor Michael Pratt examine clips from the 1984 Academy Award-winning film Amadeus and separate fact from fiction.
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