Wednesday February 12, 2025
11:00 AM
(Hybrid - In-Person at NSK Location and on Zoom) Wednesday, February 12, 11:00 a.m.
Horizon Audiology is back to give a presentation on the latest and greatest hearing technology available to improve overall hearing. Registration required, no fee. Presenter: Jane Brady, Horizon Audiology
Click here for more information
Wednesday February 12, 2025
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Princeton Comic Makers presents: JERSEY ART MEETUPS (JAM), a weekly social event connecting creatives within the greater Central Jersey area through a shared passion for sequential art and new media. Attendees may use this open workshop space to draw, write, and develop their own artwork, with an opportunity to receive peer review and feedback from other members if desired. Illustrators, animators, writers, and generalists are all welcome to join and discuss their art and career goals, share learning resources, promote current projects, or find friends and collaborators. Must be 16+ to attend. Free.
102 Witherspoon Street, Princeton.
Wednesday February 12, 2025
7:30 PM
Join us on February 12th at 7:30 PM, via Zoom, for a Delaware River Greenway Partnership Heritage Lecture. Millions of tons of salt are applied to roads across the country every winter to melt snow and ice for safe travel. Though road salt is an effective tool to keep roads clear, it sticks around! New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection data show that salt levels in many of the state’s freshwater bodies exceed acceptable limits – harming aquatic ecosystems, endangering wildlife, and polluting drinking water sources. Salt also corrodes roads, bridges, and vehicles, leading to costly infrastructure repairs.
NJ Salt Watch was launched in December 2020 by The Watershed Institute, in New Jersey, to monitor the effects of winter road salting on our freshwater streams and lakes. Since then, about 550 volunteers have collected more than 3,000 chloride measurements across New Jersey, helping to fill in gaps in our understanding of the extent of this issue. In this lecture, Erin Stretz, Assistant Director of Science at The Watershed Institute, will discuss road salt use in New Jersey and how it impacts our freshwater resources. She will share NJ Salt Watch data and explore chloride trends in relation to changes in weather and land use. Most importantly, we'll discuss solutions for municipalities, property managers, and homeowners to reduce their salt footprint. Join us to learn how to put New Jersey freshwaters on a low-salt diet this winter!
Click here for more information