Smart Salting, The Watershed Institute
Road salt is a useful tool to keep traffic moving during inclement weather, but everything we apply to the roads eventually ends up in our freshwaters. Excessive application of winter salt damages infrastructure, threatens our drinking water, and harms freshwater ecosystems - just 1 teaspoon of salt will pollute 5 gallons of water to a level that is toxic to freshwater organisms! Richard Balgowan, PE, PP, CPM, CPWM, PWLF is an expert in highway and municipal Engineering, with more than 35 years of experience working with State DOTs and municipalities, six of which he spent as the Director of Public Works for Hamilton Township in Mercer County will share his experiences with smart salting practices in Hamilton, where they rely on brining and anti-icing to reduce overall salt use and deploy live GPS-tracking and road surface temperature sensors on salt applicator trucks to remain nimble in response to quickly changing conditions.
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